At Washington Daily Report, we pride ourselves on providing honest, accurate news stories. However, in the rare event that we do make a mistake, we want to fix it. If you notice something, please contact us and we will issue a correction.
Anytime we add additional information to a story, correct a false statement, update a story that includes comment from an involved party, or remove content, it will be notated within the article with date and time stamps either in the opening or closing of the article.
Anytime there is a change to an article, you will see in bold font, “Update:” followed by an explanation with new details about the story.
We believe in full transparency in journalism, so we welcome your contact to alert us of any errors you observe. The process of contacting us is quite simple. Email us at [email protected] with a link to the article in question, followed by an explanation as to why you feel the article needs revision or removal.
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